Sensory Rooms

We’re thrilled to be launching our new sensory rooms at the centre. Thanks to a generous grant from Calgary Foundation and support from other community partners, we’ve been able to create two amazing spaces to significantly enhance the sensory input therapy available to our kids.

The Calm Room provides specific calming strategies to help children regulate their bodies, connect and engage with their environment. It feels so inviting as the LED and black light features glow and change colours. 

The Crash Room is a bright and colourful space that provides lots of safe opportunities for children to climb, jump, crawl and run to organize their bodies and prepare them to learn.

Our team of developmental aides are being trained specifically in how to best use these rooms to increase understanding of children’s sensory needs. We anticipate appropriate and timely access to this specialized equipment will help decrease meltdowns and self-harm behaviours, increase learning readiness and skill retention, and improve overall sensory integration which helps our kids overcome sensory processing challenges.

Thank you Calgary Foundation for supporting this incredibly important initiative.

Calm Room

Crash Room